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Daily Routine

Pre-School Day

9.00 - Free Play

Each session starts with a period of free play, when the children can move freely between using paints, modelling materials, table top toys, water play, sand pit and the outdoor area. There is an adult led activity held throughout the morning connected with the theme at the time. If children arrive enthusing about other things, we may take their lead and follow their thoughts/ideas to extend their own interests. Snack time starts at around 10am and children take it in turns to come and have a break for milk and a snack.

11.30 - Show & Tell

Show and tell normally takes place at around 11.30am, where children can show an item they have brought from home, or even just talk about an event or the clothes they are wearing each day. This encourages good communication skills, as the children are encouraged to listen patiently to each other and express themselves which also builds self-confidence. The session includes various games to encourage listening, speech and communication as well as the beginnings of phonological awareness. We use the Department of Education Letters and Sounds Phase 1 as well as other resources.

12.00 - Lunch

After lunch there is an opportunity for children to nap if required, in a separate room with designated beds. The afternoon routine is similar to the morning but at about 2.30pm all children come and have snack followed by a short adult led session i.e. story, musical instruments, circle games etc.


This system allows the children to move freely between the inside and outside areas where they are able to follow their own interests. Activities on offer include:

  • Sand
  • Water
  • Computer and a range of ICT equipment
  • Craft Activities such as glueing and painting
  • Outdoor Toys such as ride-ons, climbing frame, digging area, play house, etc.
  • Role Play
  • Puppets
  • Book Corner
  • Drama
  • Gardening, Recycling & Composting
  • Cooking
  • Trips to theatre, farm park, walks, etc.

Show & Tell

Children are encouraged to bring in items from home to show to peers during this time. It may be linked to our topic or a favourite toy. This is aimed to develop communication and personal social skills, additionally making strong home/pre-school links.

Call us on 01981 500682 to book a tour