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Our Aims

Our mission is to keep children at the heart of our rural community and to provide a full range of affordable, accessible, high quality services for their care and education. Our aims are to enhance the development and education of children aged 2 years to statutory school age in a community based group involving parents; to provide a safe, secure and stimulating Pre School environment; and to work within a framework which ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families.

You may rest assured that your child is in the best care here with us. We are members of the Preschool Learning Alliance, ensuring we are kept up to date with training and best practice, and we also receive regular OFSTED inspections (our registration number is: EY413519).

Our most recent Ofsted report deemed our Preschool to be Outstanding, stating that:

“Children are offered an excellent range of experiences supporting their learning highly effectively, ensuring they make excellent progress towards the early learning goals. The setting is wholly inclusive and each child is valued and respected. The majority of staff are well qualified and totally committed to ensuring the needs of each child are clearly identified and met. Extensive, purposeful and close partnerships with parents, the school and other professionals are significant in successfully promoting children's welfare and learning. An ongoing, highly effective system of self-evaluation ensures continuous improvement is sustained and further enhances a setting that meets the needs of the children extremely successfully.”

Call us on 01981 500682 to book a tour